Girls Gym Aces
Girl’s Gym Aces follow our Senior Fitnastics curriculum.These programs require a more developed level of physical abilities than the children participating in Girl’s Pros and Champs as the skill level on the apparatus begins to become more advanced. Gymnasts will begin to perform tumbling skills on the floor and trampolines, circle skills on the bars, acrobatic elements on beam and vault and more advanced leaps, turns and jumps on the floor and beam. The Girl’s Gym Aces class is the next WAG Fitnastics progression from Girl’s Gym Champs and the first of our Senior Fitnastics Program classes. Children participating in Girl’s Gym Aces will participate in 3 x 30 minute apparatus rotations after completing a 15-minute warm up and 15 minutes of physical abilities development (strength, conditioning, fitness and flexibility) at the start of class.
Ages 8 - 12 years old
2 hour duration
Weekday and Weekend Classes Available

Girls Gym Masters
Masters follow our Senior Fitnastics curriculum. These programs require a more developed level of physical abilities than the children participating in Girl’s Pros and Champs as the skill level on the apparatus begins to become more advanced. Gymnasts will begin to perform tumbling skills on the floor and trampolines, circle skills on the bars, acrobatic elements on beam and vault and more advanced leaps, turns and jumps on the floor and beam. The Girl’s Gym Masters class is the most advanced class in the WAG Fitnastics program. Children participating in Girl’s Gym Masters will participate in 3 x 30 minute apparatus rotations after completing a 15-minute warm up and 15 minutes of physical abilities development (strength, conditioning, fitness and flexibility) at the start of class.
Ages 9 - 17 years old
2 hour duration
Weekday and Weekend Classes Available

Boys Advanced
The Boys Advanced Fitnastics program is designed to follow on from the Boys Intermediate Fitnastics program. This program is suitable for children who are ready to challenge their foundational gymnastics skills and begin developing more advanced gymnastics skills on the 6 olympic apparatus.
Each lesson the children will complete a 15-minute warm up/stretch and 15-minutes of physical abilities development (strength, conditioning, flexibility, co-ordination) before participating in 3 x 30-minute rotations covering 3 of the 6 MAG olympic apparatus per week.
8 - 17 years old
2 hour duration
Week Day Classes Available

Intermediate & Advanced Tumbling
The intermediate/ advanced tumbling program is designed to cater to primary/high school aged children (9+ years) who have developed a strong foundation in tumbling/trampoline based skills and are looking to continue their development.
This class is designed to follow on from the beginner tumbling program, however children who have participated in any of our Senior Fitnastics classes and are looking to spend some more time focusing on their tumbling would be appropriate to participate in this class.
Each lesson the children will participate in 3 x 30 minute rotations starting with warm up/general stretch/physical abilities development before moving on to 2 of the following areas each week: trampolines, tumble track, tumble strip, foam pit and air track equipment.
Ages 9+ years old
1.5 hour duration
Weekday Classes Available
Skill Matrix